Volunteers enjoying a morning of bowls. Where's Wally?

Volunteers Lunch Sunday 16 June 2019

The colour theme for the day was the club colours of red, white and blue.

Some 30 members who are volunteers at the Club were treated to a morning of bowls with a twist – the President came up with some interesting rules to be followed for some of the ends.  One bowler played his best two shots for the day (possibly his bowls career eh Mr Gould?)  leaving them just 2cm short of the jack and yet they were removed as the rule was that short bowls must be removed from the rink!  A lot of fun was had on the green.

A BBQ lunch followed with Colin McCavana thanking all the Club volunteers for their efforts over the past year.   “Wally” Cooper won the best outfit for the day (If you look closely in the photo you may find “Wally”).  The chap looking resplendent in his purple outfit in the photo also received praise from many bowlers for his dress sense.  The President was particularly complimentary of his outfit!

A great day was had by all in attendance.